Nov 26, 2018
This episode was supposed to cover the Thanksgiving Trailfecta
Race in Cumberland, RI but due to equipment malfunction 10 minutes
of great interviews needed to be scrapped!
<p> So instead you get a shorter episode where Katelyn and
Mike catch up on news, discuss some events, and almost forget to
talk about things that...
Nov 19, 2018
Second half of WTM content, and then some local Turkey Trot
audio! I will keep this description short since the episode is
super long!
<p> After some announcements from the brunch (skip if audio
isn't up to par) you'll hear from Kris Mendoza, Allison Tai, Trevor
Cichosz, Rea Kolbl, Javier EScobar, Erin Rost, and many...
Nov 14, 2018
Hear the first half of Mike and Katelyn's experience down in
Atlanta, GA! This episode covers the community dinner as well as
the event itself!
<p> You'll hear from Evan Perperis, Ian Panter, Melissa
Sharkbait Dugan, Javier "Ecobar", and many others at the dinner the
night before WTM! After that Sean Corvelle will get...
Nov 6, 2018
Prepare for a pretty long intro with lots of news (we even
excluded some), then you'll hear some content from Panic in the
Dark, and lastly an experience from the New York
<p> From zombie makeup artist to a substitute race director
at Panic followed by the experience of Mike running the course and
Olivia and...