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Obstacle Running Adventures

Obstacle Running Adventure follows the journey of the MStefano Running team. This team participates in obstacle course races, road running, and everything in between. We strive to push ourselves and others to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new.

Dec 30, 2018

Listen as as you hear about our most memorable moments from 2018. You'll hear from every guest we had on the show, as well as words of advice and wisdom we heard throughout the year. 

<p> We hope that you have enjoyed coming along on the ride that was our show in 2018 and hope you look forward to more adventures in...

Dec 22, 2018

Another year, another recap episode with all of the funny moments from the show! It is a bit long and it is more than your average dose of Mike and Katelyn so don't feel pressured to listen all in one sitting.

<p> We hope that you have enjoyed coming along on the ride that was our show in 2018 and hope you look forward...

Dec 18, 2018

Molly comes back on the show to save us from not having any content this week! Learn how to not be part of the 92% that fail their new year resolutions, how to support your loved ones, and how to be an overall better you!

<p> Molly Kenneth's WTM Article:

Dec 9, 2018

Back for the final Trailfecta race of the year and this time we were able to use the audio from the finish line interviews! You'll also hear from our sponsored athlete Javier Escobar who took over Obstacle Racing Media's instagram to be media!

<p> Donate for Team Rubicon fundraiser: Paypal money...

Dec 2, 2018

We did it! We made it to episode 100 without ever missing a week! Many thank yous to everyone we have had on the show, everyone who listens to the show, and the people who tuned into our live recording and asked us questions!

<p> Listen and hear our intro that was recorded live during a Facebook and Instagram live and...