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Obstacle Running Adventures

Obstacle Running Adventure follows the journey of the MStefano Running team. This team participates in obstacle course races, road running, and everything in between. We strive to push ourselves and others to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new.

Feb 21, 2019

Holy crap we were in Chicago for this episode!

<p> Huge thank you to the CARA community for welcoming us to one of their runs! We highly recommend joining them for a run if you live in the area or are even just there for the weekend, tell them that we sent you! </p>

<p> CARA's Website </p>

<p> 0-9:45 - Intro </p>
<p> 9:45 - 19:10 - Greg Hipp Interview </p>
<p> 19:10 - 24:55 - Post Event Recap </p>
<p> 24:55 - end - Outro </p>

<p> Savage Race's Chopsticks Obstacle </p>

<p> Savage Race's Piece of Queso Obstacle </p>

<p> Spartan Race back to Winnsboro, SC </p>

<p> </p>

<p> Best of the Beach and Brew Run </p>

<p> Tough Mudder Lawsuit </p>

<p> Ryan Woods Jacksonville DQ </p>

<p> Train Like an Elite Athlete with Ja Shua Reid </p>

<p> Next weekend we will be hearing from Stephen Ferreira about the aforementioned Best of the Beach and Brew Run that he is starting up! </p>

<p> The OCR Report </p>

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Intro music - "Streaker" by: Straight Up
Outro music - "Iron Paw" by: Dubbest